Stop Hiring coders and start hiring product engineers!!!

Stop Hiring coders and start hiring product engineers!!!

Growing up when everyone around me was fascinated by actors and superheroes, I was always fascinated by people working behind the screens.

People who were called tech gurus. And that's why I became one of them.

But not very long ago I realised that all my concepts were flawed and mistaken.

I used to call myself an engineer but this is what I really was - A mere coder,, a feature building Robot,,,, A geek behind the white user facing screen.

In my early years as a engineer,

I used to think that I could BUILD anything , any product with my strong coding skills.

Just give me the idea and I will give you an implemented software product.

But my pride was crushed after only a few years in the Industry.

I realised that engineering is so much more than just coding.

It is a combination of - Customer experience x Business and Technology.

It is about the product we make, it's about user trust we gain, it's about adding value to the user's life.”and it is about addressing Business Objectives.

And a person with just technical knowledge can never learn the art of product engineering.

And this is what I realised.

  • Product engineers not only code but also keep themselves in the user's shoes.
  • They understand the feature from the users' perspective and then start with the development process
  • They come up with pain points OR features which occur in their mind and discuss them with the team .
  • They understand the users' needs and business plan of the employer.
  • They communicate with different teams and departments to get the best out of the product.

What I am trying to say here is that a technical expert/ guru is not going to build your product.

In fact Hiring a coder instead of a product engineer to build a product is like trying to eat your soup with a fork…

!!! It's useless !!

and you might lose the battle